Retirement Plans

All Lincoln County employees are eligible to participate in the Public Employees Retirement System. This page outlines who is required to participate in the programs, eligibility requirements and types of Lincoln County Employee retirement plans available.

Types of Plans

Lincoln County offers several different retirement plans which you can find outlined at the links below:
Defined Benefits Retirement Plan (DBRP)
Defined Contribution Retirement Plan (DCRP)

Retirement Eligibility

Employees are eligible to retire and receive a monthly annuity, based on the criteria found below. The amount of the annuity will vary from person depending on salary at the time of retirement, years of creditable service and type of retirement plan.

  • Any age, with 30 years of service
  • Age 60, with at least 5 years of service
  • Age 65, any amount of service


Both the employee and the County contribute to the employee’s retirement plan. An employee is vested after 5 years.
Employee contribution:
7.90% of gross earnings
County contribution:

  • DBRP:  7.07% of total earnings
  • DCRP:  8.67 of total earnings

Am I required to participate?

In some cases, participation is mandatory; in others, participation is voluntary.
As a rule of thumb, the following criteria apply:

  • Permanent/Full-Time:
    Participation is mandatory
  • Permanent/Part-Time:
    Over 960 hours per year: participation is mandatory
    Under 960 hours per year:  participation is voluntary
  • Seasonal:
    Over 960 hours per year: participation is mandatory
    Under 960 hours per year:  participation is voluntary
  • Temporary:
    Over 960 hours per year: participation is mandatory
    Under 960 hours per year:  participation is voluntary
  • Law Enforcement & Elected Officials:
    Law Enforcement personnel and Elected Officials have different requirements.
    Please contact Human Resources for more information.

*NOTE: All information on this page was current at the time of publication and is meant only to give employees a general idea. Please contact Human Resources if you need to check the most recent legislative changes to PERS.